Digital X-rays

Digital Xrays Digital Xrays

Using the most advanced dental technology possible is just as important as staying up-to-date on the latest treatment techniques. Because our practice is dedicated to providing you with the safest and most convenient treatment options available, we utilize advanced digital X-ray technology in our office.

Digital X-rays provide several advanced imaging options designed to save time, provide clearer dental photos, and expose patients to less radiation than traditional X-ray technology.

Our practice is focused on making your dental experience as comfortable as possible. At your next appointment, we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Digital Xrays


Technology for Better Patient Care

Patients’ Guide to Understanding Dental X-rays

We are committed to offering our patients excellence in dentistry and the highest level of patient care. Our investment in state-of-the-art dental technology and products is part of that commitment.

As your dental practitioner, it’s my job to promote oral health so you can keep your natural teeth throughout your entire life. It’s also my job to provide treatment when disease or conditions require intervention. In our office, we utilize both 2D and 3D x-rays to obtain accurate information about your dentition and surrounding anatomy. X-rays are necessary so we can accurately evaluate your overall oral health and properly diagnose areas of concern.

Digital X-rays

X-rays yield a wealth of information used for evaluation and treatment planning. However, it does expose the area we’re imaging to radiation. We want to give you the facts about radiation and alleviate any concerns you may have.

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What is Radiation?

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Radiation is a form of energy in waves. It exists on a spectrum; there is low-frequency radiation such as radio waves and microwaves, and there are high-frequency waves as gamma rays or x-rays. Additionally, we’re exposed to radiation in everyday life from taking a flight, living in high altitude area or from the potassium in a banana! Radiation is all around us. However, higher frequency and ionizing radiation should be carefully monitored as it has a higher risk of affecting the cells in our bodies. X-rays utilize this kind of radiation.

Responsible Imaging

Our number one priority is excellent patient care, and that includes practicing responsible imaging. We don’t take x-ray images that are unnecessary. We’ve also invested in an x-ray imaging unit that offers the industry’s lowest radiation.

Our 3D x-ray system can take an image with an average reduction of radiation dose up to 77% compared with standard x-ray imaging protocols! That’s important to us and one of the reasons we chose this imaging system.

How are Extraoral Images Acquired?

Taking an x-ray image with our imaging unit is simple. You will either stand or sit, for patients in wheelchairs, comfortably in the unit. The clinician will select the proper program and the gantry, the part of the unit that takes the x-ray, will rotate around your head. The scan is painless and takes a few seconds. Images acquired will be available immediately. You will appreciate seeing these images during your patient consultation. They will help you understand the treatment we are recommending and why it’s essential.

Better Patient Care

X-rays are a necessary part of dentistry. They allow us to know more about your anatomy for optimal oral health, accurate diagnostics, and efficient treatment planning. Having this information will enable us to perform procedures that are often less invasive, better for you, and offer the best outcomes.

The x-ray system we use is from a company called Planmeca. Planmeca is a Finnish based company and the leader in x-ray technology. We’re proud to offer this kind of advanced technology in our office. If you’d like more information, please ask one of our knowledgeable dental team members.

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planmeca unit